Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A big favour to ask

I Have a favour to ask of you. I have some friends from
overseas who are camping their way around the world.
 They are keen to spend time in England , Scotland ,
Australia , the U.S. and Canada with a view to immigration.

Given the current unrest in the world today and the
financial downturn they are somewhat worried about
 camping in 'public' camping sites. They have asked
 me if I know where they could go in safety and where
 the accommodation (and meals) might be affordable.

I hope you don't think it's rude of me, but I have taken
the liberty of giving them your name and address in the
hope that you can find a spot for them at or near
 your place for a night or two. I hope you don't mind.

They are traveling in a couple of Mercedes and
will be bringing their own camping gear.

I have here a picture to help in
identification if, or when, they show.

Thank you in anticipation of your
co-operation and hospitality.

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