The classic manifestations of sleep apnea -- loud snoring, interrupted breathing and sleep disruption -- nearly double the risk for chronic disease and premature death among middle-aged and elderly men, according to major new research.
Even patients with moderate sleep apnea face an increased death risk, as much as 17 percent, compared with those who do not have sleep-disordered breathing problems, the decade-long U.S. study finds.
"The primary finding of our study is that sleep apnea can increase the risk of death by about 40 percent, even after other factors have been accounted for," said study lead author Dr. Naresh Punjabi, an associate professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.
"Our study also shows that it is the decrease in oxygen levels during sleep from sleep apnea that explains the increased risk of death," added Punjabi. Men with sleep apnea between the ages of 40 and 70 are particularly at risk of death from any source, but especially from cardiovascular disease, the researchers found.
People with clinical symptoms of sleep apnea, which include loud snoring, sleepiness during the day and fatigue, should discuss their symptoms with a physician, Punjabi advised. "Effective therapy for sleep apnea can improve such symptoms and lead to a better quality of life," he said.
People who feel that they are having trouble should get tested, because sleep apnea is going to deteriorate your system and lead to many other health problems.

Once you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea there are several treatment options available, the most common and effective is the C-Pap machine. The C-pap machine keeps your airway open so that you do not snore, allowing you to get a restful sleep. Sleep apnea can range from mild to severe you will be required to get a sleep study done to determine just what treatment you will require. This is a non-invasive procedure that requires you to spend a night in the sleep lab.
You will be monitored for at least six hours and then when a doctor reads your test results your treatment plan will be decided. If you do need to use a c-pap machine do not let it intimidate you, there are many different types of masks and though it may take some trial and error, you will find one that you can live with. In addition, once you are getting restful sleep you will be amazed at how well you feel. Moreover, the health benefits are immediate your blood pressure should go down and the stress on your heart will be greatly lessened.
That article is so intersting and informative also. I get many knowledge about the sleep apnea. That is very usefull for me. For the more information visit www(dot)snoringisboring(dot)com.