Thursday, May 19, 2011

Facebook for breakfast / فیس بوک برای صبحانه

Facebook for breakfast: 18% of Americans log onto virtual lives before their heads even leave the pillow

It has already taken over much of our daily lives.

But now it seems Facebook is moving into the bedroom after a new survey found 18 per cent of Americans now log on before their heads have even left the pillow.
The research, conducted by mobile phone maker Ericsson, also found that 35 percent of U.S. Android and iPhone users interact with apps and other social networking sites on their smartphones before even getting out of bed.
The news comes as it emerged U.S. social media, e-mail and badly designed office technology could cost a 1,000-worker company more than $10 million a year.
The Ericsson study revealed that 22 per cent of Americans check Facebook during the morning.

One of those interviewed by the company was 16-year-old Sean from San Francisco.
He said: 'When I get up, I turn off the alarm on my phone.
Then I check my e-mail, clear all the e-mails from the morning.
'I usually make about two phone calls in the morning, one to my mom and one
to my grandma.
'I usually check the internet, like Facebook.'
Ericsson undertakes the survey of surfing habits once a year, talking to 80,000 people world-wide in order to compile the data.
The survey also revealed how new devices such as smart phones and tablet PCs are changing the way we access the internet.
With so many demanding to be connected
Most of those who had smartphones said they stayed on-line constantly, rather than logging onto the Internet during certain times of the day as had been the case when access was restricted to desktop PCs.
While people become addicted to Facebook in the home, a new survey by found that more than half of U.S. workers waste an hour or more a day on 'interruptions'.

Half of U.S. workers waste an hour or more a day on electronic and 'traditional' interruptions
45 per cent of workers say they can't go more than 15 minutes without an interruption.
The average worker wastes 2.5 hours a week looking for documents missing in poorly organised electronic files.
Only 68 per cent of people always turn their phones off at the movies.
Almost two-thirds will tune out of meetings to read e-mails, tweet or take mobile phone calls.
It was calculated that 60 per cent of this wasted time came from electronic devices and e-mails, while the other 40 per cent was from traditional sources, such as phone calls or chats with colleagues.
It also emerged 45 per cent of workers say they can't go more than 15 minutes, on average, without an interruption.
Researches also uncovered a craving among American consumers to have all their electronic devices capable of connecting to the internet.
Ericsson found that 54 per cent of Americans already using portable storage devices wanted to access their files from any terminal and 51 per cent wanted to directly exchange files between a portable storage device and online secure storage.
The same was true with camera owners, of which 49 per cent also wanted to have access directly from the camera to online secure storage.
A further 47 per cent were interested in uploading photos directly to social networking sites from the camera itself.

امریکایی ها حتی پیش از برخاستن از رخت خواب وارد دنیای مجازی می شوند
به نظر می رسد فیس بوک حتی به رخت خواب های امریکایی ها نیز رسوخ کرده است به نحوی که ۱۸ درصد از امریکایی ها صبح ها قبل از آنکه از جایشان بلند شوند وارد شبکه های مجازی نظیر فیس بوک می شوند. این مطالعه که توسط شرکت اریکسون انجام شده است نشان می دهد نیمی از کارگران در امریکا یک ساعت یا بیشتر را صرف گشت و گذار در دنیای مجازی می نمایند. همچنین فقط ۶۸ درصد از مردم در هنگام تماشای فیلم در سینما موبایل شان را خاموش می کنند

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